Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sick, but still going...

Okay, I'm sick.  I'm coughing and wheezing.  My nose is drippy, but not stuffed up (which is a little odd for me).  And my palate and the back of my throat are burning like they do when you've run too hard in the wind and you're all dried out and tasting copper.  Not to mention, it's that time of the month (so I'm double-fatigued) and I feel all bloaty and icky.  I blame Mother Nature and my buddy Mike-- though I should probably leave him alone since he was out from college sick all last week.  But I'm not going to let it stop me!  I'm going to keep going!  I've rested up a bit with a nice hot water bottle to help draw the fever away from my head, and I feel a little better.  Still lousy, though...

So, anyway, I had two slices of toast with Smart Balance for breakfast.  I made sure to eat, since that's on the checklist, even though I don't really feel like it.  And I just did about 2 minutes on the AbCircle.  I know I'm supposed to do three, but since I almost smacked my head on the handlebars during a coughing fit, I figure I've burned enough calories on that thing for this morning.  I feel better about myself for not letting being sick get in the way of exercising, even though I don't feel any better physically.  And I did some research and found this neat article about Seasonal Superfoods.  I think I'm going to get some bananas tonight to chow down on instead of sugary processed sweets!  And I'm definitely going to pick up some grapefruit juice...  I've started the bad habit of drinking a buttload of soda again and I need to knock it off.  I know what it does to me, and I'm still going for it!  Which means it's time to go back to my yoga again, since my stress (and weight) is up, my cravings are back, and I'm chugging too much sugar and caffeine for my own good.

Wish me luck!

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