Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, Another Try

Well, my fridge broke.  That'll help, right?  Ugh, honestly, it's just one more thing in the stress checklist I need to take care of, and I can't go to work today because I have to wait for the repairman.  I think I'm gonna scream.  Not to mention I, like 95% of the rest of America, ate too much junk over the holidays.  Cookies, junk food, etc...  I ate it, and I admit it.  I think I've actually gained weight, but I haven't checked yet.  That just means that, as soon as I'm done with the pizza in the fridge (please, Dear Anybody, please let it have gotten too warm and gone bad so I have an excuse not to eat it without feeling like I'm throwing money down the drain) I need to back up off the junk and go back to the healthier eating I was doing before the holidays.

Like I told one of my FB friends, I don't understand how people can eat that much junk and still feel okay with themselves.  I did it for two weeks straight and feel freaking sick every time I even think about sugar.

Anyway, I'm gonna go quick today so I can spend some time online looking up refrigerator repair before I call my boss and let him know I'm not going to be actually in, just checking email throughout the day.  I need to do something productive, since ever since I woke up to pee I've been freaking about the fridge and can't sleep.  Four hours' sleep.... yeah, that's good for health and happiness.  I'm also going to do some meditative breathing and listen to the Tron Legacy Soundtrack to see if maybe I can't get at least another hour's sleep before 8:00 am.  Seriously, though, download the music.  It's $5, it's Daft Punk, and it's freaking BEAUTIFUL.

I'll leave you guys with a couple of links I like to kinda make up for this short-entry crap.  Dr. Oz's Top 5 Mistakes Dieters Make and You've Got Richard Simmons.  (Yeah, Richard Simmons may not be everyone's first choice, but the man sure knows how to boost a girl's esteem!  I LOVE his workout tapes-- I just wish I still had a VCR to play them on!)

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