Saturday, January 29, 2011

Been slacking...

Slacking, slacking...  I have been and I know it.  I'm making myself a goals checklist today, though...  Not massive things.  Just things designed to change my habits.  If I grade myself on my performance I think I'll do better.  I'm phobic of anything less than an A.  Seriously, I've gotten Bs in college and just sat down and cried.  I know, perfectionism is kind of pathetic, but it's compulsive at this point!  ...At least in regards to certain things.  Perfect face, perfect hair, perfect body-- unattainable.  But perfect grades are easier to manage.  And speaking of unattainable, I wanted to share this link with everyone, just to demonstrate what I'm talking about: Can I Change My Body Type?

Anyway, the checklist is going to consist of the following...  Have I eaten enough, often enough?  I'm notorious for not eating for an entire day at a stretch, and that isn't healthy because then I eat way too much way too close to bedtime.  Not cool!  Have I had enough water?  Good for complexions, it is.  (And apparently I'm the health-food Yoda now?  Hmmm...)  Not to mention you need water to run your metabolism and keep you energized.  Have I taken my vitamins and supplements?  The Dong Quai I take is a general women's health tonic in traditional Chinese medicine-- guys out there, you want to take ginseng instead-- and I take a daily colloidal multi-vitamin, too.

Have I done random exercise?  Because having a routine is important, but you can't let it get boring or you stop doing it.  So, this checkpoint is there for me to do whatever-- dancing like a moron, walking around on photosafari, yoga, tai chi, whatever.  Have I done my AbCircle (sorely neglected from lack of a place to use it, which was remedied last week by hubby) and my Shake Weight?  And believe me... that Shake Weight is getting used in private with the windows closed.  Firstly, I jiggle in the arms, and it's embarrassing enough with just that.  I use it and have the urge to shout "Jiggly-puf! Jiggly-puf!" like that little pink thing off Pokemon.  Second...  well... yeah, let's face it.  When you use that thing it looks like you're practicing moves for the Porn Star Olympics.  No one needs to see me prancing around like a Pornolympic gold-medalling Jiggly-Puf.  And I mean NO ONE.  I think I'm gonna put a towel in there so I can hide the mirror when I do the Shake Weight, or I'll laugh myself to death before I look hot enough to qualify for the phrase, "Live fast, die young, leave a good-looking corpse."

And speaking of laughter, that's the final thing on my checklist.  Everyone should laugh at least once a day in my opinion.  Especially on the bad days.  Now, I have tons of friends that can help me with this, but for those of you out there who may not be as well-endowed with crazy nutjobs as I am, you can usually make up for it by going on YouTube and searching for some random stuff.  Seriously, just type in a word and see what you get.  "Faceplant" is a pretty awesome place to start.

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